flight yesterday.
just completed a touch-and-go. A Cessna 172
had turned crosswind ahead of me, then I heard
the radio call: "Auburn traffic, Cessna XXX is
coming back, I've got problems."
For a moment, it looked like he was swinging
back to land downwind (he had just turned for
the downwind leg, this wasn't an "impossible
turn" situation. I swung to the right and
called, "Fly Baby is getting out of your
He continued on downwind. I followed behind. I
think he was no more than 500 AGL at any
point. As he got ready to turn base, he was
VERY low. I was cringing, because he was over
the downtown area. He flew a wider pattern
than I would have, but it held together and he
got set up on final.
He was, actually, too high when he made it
back to the airport. But the runway is ~3800
feet long, and he managed to touch down and
roll out to the turnoff at the end. "Nice
job," I transmitted.
The interesting thing is what MY airplane was
doing. I realized all my attention had been
outside the cockpit. I was ~300 feet below
pattern altitude, slow, with the throttle just
at 2000 RPM or so.
All came out fine, but one *does* have to
remember to fly their own airplane, first.....