The Songs They Sang
Ron Wanttaja

It's fascinating, really. The human
spirit always prevails.
People from the democracies of the world take free speech for
granted. Which makes it a bit of a shock when the need to
defend liberty places them in organizations where professing
their opinion aloud can get them jailed: The
military. Once John Smith puts on that private's uniform,
once Jim Johnson dons a pair of bell-bottom trousers and a
dixie-cup hat, publicly describing their dislike for the
decisions, morals, or ancestry of Captain Doe can lead to some
unpleasant consequences.
But the thoughts have to come out somehow. And, over the
years, it has tended to come out in song.
For some reason, the powers-that-be tend to look the other way,
when the lower echelons express their opinions in music.
Tell your sergeant that the food in the dining hall stinks, and
you'll probably end up cleaning latrines for a while. But
marching along, the sergeant will probably lead you in...
that in the Air Force, the food is mighty fine
Last night we had ten
puppies, today we've only nine
In any confined society, there will be those
who gleefully write songs about the shared problems and woes
of military life. Most of the time, they use
traditional melodies ("Battle Hymn of the Republic,"
anyone?), but you'll find more-modern music or even
scratch-written tunes.
Being an airplane nut, I've always been a fan of the songs
of the flyers. I''d always loved hearing snippets of
the music in the old movies. I eventually discovered
Oscar Brand's "Wild Blue Yonder" record, with some of the
major songs from WWII and Korea, and when I was in the Air
Force myself (satellite driver, not a pilot), a friend gave
me a tape of Vietnam-era songs by Dick Jonas. Since
then, I've gathered several more collections of the songs
the pilots sang. They're on the thumb drive plugged
into my car's audio deck so I usually "pump up" for flying
by listening to the songs on the way to the airport.
Here's some thoughts on a few of them:
Additional Resources
The individual sections provide links to short excerpts of the
songs discussed. The songs remain under the copyright of the
performers; the excerpts are provided for review only.
Some addiitional resources:
- "The classic recording of pilot songs is Oscar Brand's "Wild Blue Yonder".
Follow the link, and order the 2-CD "Military Songbook" to
receive CD with his songs for all four services.
- Dick
Jonas has recorded many traditional songs, and has
written many of his own, as well. You can download
specific songs at the link.
- "In
Folks Songs of the Vietnam War" covers many songs of the
Vietnam War, including pilot songs.
- Bill Getz's 1982 book The
Wild Blue Yonder: Songs of the Air Force
provides lyrics to hundreds of traditional songs. It's
no longer in print, but is available used at various sources
- Bob
Stevens' books (Such as There I Was and There I Was...Flat on My Back provides the
lyrics of many popular songs, as well as great cartoons to go
with them.
- Hank Cramer's "A
Solider's Songs" covers many of the tradition songs sung
by the US military. Not so much for the aviators (though
the Airborne is well-represented), but this is my favorite
album. The Amazon link lets you sample the album.
Questions? Email Ron Wanttaja .
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